Pumpkin spice and everything nice! Flavors of Fall Pumpkin Ale is based on an American Amber Ale recipe with modest bittering, mild hop character, and a dash of pumpkin spice flavor. A reliable crowd pleaser when the time of year calls for family gatherings.
Kit Includes:
- Liquid Malt Extract
- Pellet Hops
- Steeping Grains
- Chocolate
- Caramel Vienne 20
- Crystal 40
- Pumpkin Spice
- Grain Steeping Bag
- Wort Clarifier
- CellarScience™ CALI Yeast
- Priming Sugar is NOT Included
Beer Stats:
- OG: 1.049
- SRM: 13
- IBUs: 30
- ABV: 5.3%